130th Anniversary - 05/27/22

With joy, we are excited to invite you to the 130th Anniversary celebration of the founding of Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago on Pentecost weekend, June 11 – 12. We are also blessed to welcome His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon, as he joins us for this festive occasion.

Cheesefare Sunday Fundraiser Returns - 02/20/22

Holy Trinity “O” Club will host their annual Blini Dinner Fundraiser on Sunday March 6th, 2022, immediately following the Divine Liturgy.  All proceeds will go towards supporting Holy Trinity Cathedral restoration.

St. Tabitha's Society Ministry Keeps Giving - 12/01/21

St. Tabitha's Society continues its ministry with a donation of handmade hats and slippers for local cancer patients.

Annual Cookie Walk Returns! - 11/24/21

The parish will sell homemade holiday cookies and pet treats by the pound on Saturday, December 18 from 10:00 am to 3:00 pm and Sunday, December 19 from 11:00 pm to 2:00 pm (or we run out).

Nativity Fast Study - 11/15/21

Join us on Wednesday evenings during Advent to celebrate the Akathist, followed by a study on prayer and light refreshments.

St. John of Chicago Remembered by His Spiritual Children Over 118 Years Later - 11/03/21

The faithful of the greater Chicago metropolitan area came together on the Saturday, October 30 and Sunday, October 31, to celebrate the Hieromartyr John, at the very location that he built and labored for Christ. [link to Midwest Diocese website, domoca.org].

Blessing of the Newly Restored Diocesan Cathedral - 10/25/21

Following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, October 24, His Eminence Archbishop Paul read a prayer asking God to bless the newly restored cathedral and led a procession around the property with the faithful blessing the newly restored Cathedral and Rectory.  Read more on the diocesan website...

Feast of St. John of Chicago - 10/25/21

View the October 29-31 schedule of events for the Feast of St. John Kochurov, the builder of our holy temple.

Diocesan Cathedral Seeks Choir Director - 10/15/21

Holy Trinity Cathedral is seeking the services of a choir director.

Annual Conference to Feature Historic Cathedral - 09/20/21

Holy Trinity Cathedral will be a featured site in the 23rd Annual Conference on the Arts & Crafts Movement Chicago & Environs.  The conference, organized by Initiatives in Art and Culture and held September 23-26, will consider how Chicago’s architects, artists and artisans developed a design vocabulary specific to the region.  This article from Luxury Daily explains more.

Church School at Holy Trinity Begins! - 09/12/21

The church school kicked off their first day with a picnic and games.

Restoration Nears Completion - 08/09/21

Your help is needed to bring our restoration project to a close.

Restoration Needs Your Support - 07/12/21

Restoration Continues - 06/17/21

Metal work is almost complete and stucco is being repaired.

BIG news - Active Work Zone at HTC - 05/14/21

May update...Samples of stucco were taken from both buildings, paint is being produced, metal work around the cathedral is being restored!

Restoration News - 03/26/21

Contracts Signed! First Payments Sent!

Orthodoxy Sunday 2021 - 03/21/21

Photos from Orthodoxy Sunday liturgy.

St. Tabitha's Circle Continues Work During Pandemic - 08/03/20

St.Tabitha’s Circle continues to bring comfort and a smile to many cancer patients during the pandemic. 

Dormition Fast - 07/31/20

The Dormition Fast begins on August 1.  With prayer, almsgiving and fasting, we can renew our tired bodies and souls.  We can lift up our “drooping hands” in an attitude of prayer and thanksgiving.

Feast of the Tikhvin Icon - 06/24/20

June 25 - 6pm Vigil, June 26 - 8am Divine Liturgy

Pentecost - 06/07/20

On the Great and Holy Feast of Pentecost, His Eminence Archbishop Paul celebrated divine services at his diocesan Cathedral in Chicago, Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral. Archbishop Paul was joined by Priest Alexander Koranda, Cathedral Dean, and Protodeacon Thomas to celebrate the Altar Feast of the Cathedral.

Founder's Day 2020 - 06/07/20

On June 7th, 2020, Holy Trinity Cathedral celebrated its 128-year anniversary of its founding as the oldest Orthodox community in Chicago. Please help us preserve history while securing the future.  

Baptism - 06/06/20

The parish of Holy Trinity Cathedral welcomes our newest member!


View images from the Paschal Liturgy here.

Lazarus Saturday/Palm Sunday - 04/10/20

Troparion — Tone 1
By raising Lazarus from the dead before Thy passion, / Thou didst confirm the universal Resurrection, O Christ God! / Like the children with the palms of victory, / We cry out to Thee, O Vanquisher of death; / Hosanna in the Highest! / Blessed is He that comes in the Name of the Lord!

The Annunciation to the Most-Holy Theotokos (Mar. 25) - 03/24/20

As Holy Scripture tells us: In the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent front God to a city of Galilee named Nazareth, to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin's name was Mary. And he came to her and said, Hail, O favored one, the Lord is with you! Blessed are you among women! But she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered in her mind what sort of greeting this might be. And the angel said to her, Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give to Him the throne of His father David, and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of His kingdom there will be no end. And Mary said to the angel, How shall this be, since I have no husband? [Luke 1:26-34].

Holy Trinity Celebrates Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/08/20

Thank You, Volunteers! - 03/04/20

Annual Cheesefare Sunday Fundraiser - Sunday, March 1 - 02/10/20

Trinity "O" Club will host their annual blini fundraiser Sunday, March 1 following Liturgy.

The Meeting of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in the Temple - 02/02/20

Today the Church commemorates an important event in the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 2:22-40). Forty days after His birth the God-Infant was taken to the Jerusalem Temple, the center of the nation’s religious life. 

St. Tabitha's Circle Meets Sunday, February 2 - 01/29/20

St. Tabitha's Circle donated more items in January so we need your handiwork!

Volunteer Opportunity-Greater Chicago Food Depository - 01/29/20

Trinity "O" Club invites you to a Repack Session at Greater Chicago Food Depository on February 29.

Feast of the Theophany of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - 01/06/20

When Thou, O Lord, was baptized in the Jordan, the worship of the Trinity was made manifest...

Christmas 2019 - 12/25/19

Christ is Born!  Glorify Him!  Six individuals were welcomed into the Orthodox Faith.

2019 Cookie Walk a Success! - 12/20/19

Thank you to everyone who supported this year's Cookie Walk!

10th Anniversary of the Repose of Archbishop JOB - 12/17/19

May His Eminence, Archbishop Job’s memory be eternal!

New Member! - 12/04/19

Congratulations to the Koranda family!

Study: On The Incarnation - 11/20/19

A four week study will be held on Fridays beginning November 22nd.

2019 Annual Holiday Cookie Walk - 11/19/19

The annual Holiday Cookie Walk will be held December 14 & 15.

Hope Filled Holiday Volunteer Opportunity - 11/19/19

O Club members invite you to join them at the Hope Filled Holiday Feed My Starving Children packing event on Saturday, November 23.

DCFS Christmas Gift Program - 11/18/19

Thank you to all who signed up to help provide a gift for the DCFS Christmas gift program!  Please read for information on due date and packaging.

Next Meeting of St.Tabitha's Circle - 11/16/19

St.Tabitha's Circle will meet again on Sunday, December 1, after Liturgy during Coffee Hour in the church hall.

Open House Chicago 2019 Complete! - 10/21/19

We welcomed over one thousand visitors to the cathedral during Open House Chicago!

Lecture on Orthodox Evangelism, Saturday, October 12 - 10/06/19

Holy Trinity Cathedral welcomes Archpriest John Parker, Dean and Chief Operating Officer of
St. Tikhon’s Theological Seminary. 

Church School Outing - 10/05/19

The Church School is planning an outing on Saturday, October 26 following Divine Liturgy.

Repairs Underway for Historic Cathedral - 10/01/19

Holy Trinity Cathedral is currently repairing the concrete porches that adorn the exterior of the cathedral. This is one of three phases left in completing the cathedral building.

Monastery Visit - 09/23/19

On Sunday, September 22nd, Fr. Alexander led a group of parishioners to St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Monastery to venerate the relics of recently glorified St. Mardarije. 

Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross - 09/13/19

“The Cross is exalted, and everything true gathers together, the Cross is exalted, and the city makes solemn, and the people celebrate the feast” - St. Andrew of Crete

Church School Blessing - 09/09/19

Church School is in session for the 2019-2020 year!

Nativity of the Theotokos - 09/07/19

September 8th marks the nativity of the most holy Theotokos. 

Pilgrimage to St. Sava Monastery - 09/06/19

Join us September 22 as we visit our local Serbian monastery to venerate Saint Mardarije. 

Summer Campers Visit Cathedral - 08/17/19

Holy Trinity Cathedral welcomed St. George Antiochian Orthodox Church Summer Camp. The children enjoyed learning about the saints who labored in Chicago and touring Chicago's oldest Orthodox community.

New Icon For Church School - 07/23/19

His Grace Bishop Paul presented an icon of “Christ the Good Shepherd” to the church school children of Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago, IL on Sunday, July 21.

Visit of the Miraculous Icon of St. Anna - 07/22/19

On Saturday, August 10th, HTC will have the honor of praying before the miraculous icon of St. Anna. Divine Liturgy will begin at 9:30am with a prayer service for health immediately following Divine Liturgy.

Car Blessing 2019 - 07/21/19

On Sunday, July 21, cars in the church parking lot were blessed following Divine Liturgy.

Handmade Items Donated to Help Cancer Patients - 07/21/19

Additional deliveries of hats were made to the Marjorie Weinberg Cancer Center at Gottlieb Memorial Hospital and Cardinal Bernadine Cancer Center Image Renewal Center at Loyola Hospital in July.

Pentecost 2019 - 06/17/19

Photos from the Divine Liturgy and Kneeling Prayers of Pentecost, Sunday, June 16.

The Ascension of Our Lord - 06/06/19

O Christ God, You have ascended in Glory, / Granting joy to Your disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit.

Paschal Egg Hunt - 05/05/19

Thank you to everyone who assisted with our annual church school egg hunt!


Indeed He is Risen!

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! - 04/28/19

"This is the chosen and holy day, first of sabbaths, king and lord of days, the feast of feasts, holy day of holy days.  On this day we bless Christ forevermore."  (Canon of Pascha, Irmos VIII)

Holy Week and Pascha - 04/21/19

We invite you to worship with us!

Spring Cleaning - 04/20/19

Thank you to all who came to prepare the Cathedral for the feast of Pascha!

Easter Card Sale Supporting Cathedral Signage - 04/17/19

Look for a church school student selling these!

St Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir Visits Holy Trinity - 04/14/19

The parish welcomed the St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir on Sunday, April 14.

Anniversary of the Repose of Archbishop JOHN - 04/11/19

On April 11 we commemorate the blessed repose of Archbishop John.

OCF Retreat at Holy Trinity - 04/07/19

Area college students visited Holy Trinity on April 6 for the OCF retreat.

Church School Retreat - 04/07/19

Our church school lenten retreat was held on Saturday, April 6.  Read more about what our students did.

Dr. Ford Lecture March 31, 2019 - 04/01/19

Our thanks to Dr. David Ford for presenting his lecture on the writings of St. John Chrysostom on Sunday, March 31, 2019!  We were fortunate to be able to welcome many visitors.

Orthodoxy Sunday 2019 - 03/18/19

Our Church School children marked the occasion with a procession of icons.

Holy Trinity Welcomes the Great Fast With New Catechumens and Fellowship - 03/11/19

On Sunday, March 10, the parish of Holy Trinity greeted the Great Fast by welcoming two new catechumens and gathering together for prayer and fellowship.

2019 Great Lent Study on Repentance - 03/05/19

Join us Wednesdays during Great Lent for a study on Repentance.

The Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple - 02/01/19

This week, the Church commemorates an important event in the earthly life of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Meeting of Our Lord in the Temple (Luke 2:22-40).

Souper Bowl of Caring - 01/27/19

Help score a victory against hunger!  Please bring a non-perishable food item and small monetary contribution to Liturgy on Sunday, Feb. 3.  A bin will be inside the parish hall for our annual collection.

St. Tabitha's Circle Update - 01/24/19

9 crocheted hats, and 1 shawl were delivered to the Marjorie Weinberg Cancer center at Gottlieb Hospital in Melrose Park on January 23.

New Catechumens - 01/14/19

Please welcome our newest Catechumens!

Theophany 2019 - 01/07/19

PHOTO GALLERY from Sunday, January 6.

Nativity 2018 - 12/27/18


Royal Hours: December 23

Holy Supper & Vigil:  December 24

Divine Liturgy:  December 25

Church School Yolka - 12/26/18

Our church school children performed their annual Yolka following coffee hour on Sunday, December 23.

Memorial Held on Anniversary of Falling Asleep of Archbishop JOB - 12/19/18

December 18th marked the ninth anniversary of the falling asleep of His Eminence, Archbishop Job (Osacky). A solemn commemoration was led by His Grace, Bishop Paul of Chicago and Midwest, at the diocesan cathedral.

2018 Cookie Walk - 12/17/18

Thanks to everyone who baked for, worked and shopped at this year's Cookie Walk!  

Feed My Starving Children - Advent Service Project - 12/10/18

32 parishioners and friends of Holy Trinity Cathedral gathered for Feed My Starving Children's annual Food Packing Session at Schaumburg Convention Center on Saturday, December 10.

Cookie Walk - 12/03/18

We will need homemade cookies for the Cookie Walk, December 15 & 16!  Please bring cookies, labeled with cookie name and indicating any nuts, to the Cathedral Hall on Friday, December 14 between 9:30am and 2pm.

Church School Nativity Project - 12/03/18

Our Church School students have been making nativity greeting cards to raise funds for their Advent Project.

Nativity Fast Discussion - 11/12/18

The Nativity Fast begins on November 15.  We will be having a discussion on Fridays following Vespers on the goal and purpose of the Christian life.  All are welcome!

St. John of Chicago - 11/01/18

Photos from Vigil on October 30, 2018.

Fr. Moses Berry Visits Holy Trinity Cathedral - 10/29/18

Fr. Moses Berry spoke at the parish on Saturday, October 27, 2018.

St. John of Chicago - 10/25/18

The memory of Hieromartyr John Kochurov is celebrated on October 31.

Open House Chicago 2018 - 10/17/18

Holy Trinity Cathedral participated for the fourth year as a site host during Open House Chicago 2018.

Holy Trinity Welcomes Bishop Neophytos of Nyeri & Mount Kenya - 10/15/18

We were very blessed to have Bishop Neophytos, Bishop of Nyeri & Mount Kenya, visit Holy Trinity Cathedral October 13-14.

Welcome Bishop Neophytos, Bishop of Nyeri & Mount Kenya! - 10/09/18

Holy Trinity welcomes Bishop Neophytos, Bishop of Nyeri & Mount Kenya on Saturday, October 13 5pm Vigil and Sunday, October 14 9:30am, Divine Liturgy.

Open House Chicago 2018 - 10/08/18

Holy Trinity Cathedral will participate once again as a site host during the Chicago Architecture's Open House Chicago on October 13 & 14.

Sewing Lessons - 10/06/18

All children are invited to participate in Beginners Sewing Class.

The class will cover basic sewing skills including: selection of materials, cutting, use of patterns, pinning, hand stitching and working up to sewing with machine.

Class will start after Sunday School Class.

Church School Blessing - 09/12/18

We began our 2018-2019 Church School year on September 9 with a blessing, brief class and activities for the children.

Church School’s FOCUS North America Project - 08/15/18

The church school children and families filled 24 backpacks with school supplies on August 12 as part of their Dormition Service Project.

Holy Trinity Welcomes Archbishop LEO of Finland - 07/30/18

Our parish had the honor of welcoming His Grace, Archbishop LEO, and Father Rauno Pietarinen of the Orthodox Finnish Church July 28-29.

Project Mexico Missionaries - 07/22/18

The parish prayed for the safety of our Project Mexico missionaries following the Divine Liturgy on July 22.

Liturgical Items Blessed - 07/22/18

Thank you to everyone who donated towards the purchase of our new liturgical items.  We will put these items to good use at the Cathedral moving forward!

Car Blessing 2018 - 07/22/18

At the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, July 22, Fr. Alexander and clergy processed to the parking lot for the annual blessing of cars in honor of the feast of the Prophet Elijah on the 20th of July.

St. Tabitha's Circle Brings Joy to Others - 07/20/18

24 crocheted hats, 2 lapghans, and 1 shawl, made by members of Holy Trinity Cathedral's St. Tabitha's Circle, were delivered to the Marjorie Weinberg Cancer center at Gottlieb Hospital in Melrose Park, IL.

Church School Project - 06/27/18

Our Sunday School children are collecting donations through August 12 to fill 24 backpacks for needy students in Chicago.

Bible Study Series - 05/30/18

During times of fasting the Church calls us to elevate our spiritual involvement, especially our attention to Holy Scripture. During the Apostles Fast, HTC will present both an opportunity for worship and study on Wednesday evenings throughout the fast. Following the Akathist, Protodeacon Thomas will lead a study focusing on baptism and communion in the Holy Scriptures. All are welcome.

Berry Social June 3! - 05/30/18

The Saints Martha & Mary Sisterhood will host a Berry Social on Sunday, June 3 following Divine Liturgy.  They will be selling an assortment of items incorporating berries to enjoy during coffee hour.  Please plan on staying for coffee hour this day!

Pentecost 2018 - 05/27/18

Photos of Divine Liturgy, Kneeling Prayers and post-liturgy picnic.

Pentecost - 05/20/18

Our patronal feast will be celebrated this weekend!  View the schedule of services and activities here.

Metropolitan Leonty - 05/14/18

The faithful of Holy Trinity Cathedral remember Metropolitan Lenonty on the 53rd anniversary of his repose.


View photos from our services here...

Deanery Bridegroom Matins - 04/03/18

Holy Trinity Cathedral welcomed clergy and faithful from Chicago deanery parishes for the Bridegroom Matins service.  The Miraculous Kursk Root Icon was made available exclusively during the evening service for veneration.

Congratulations! - 04/02/18

Congratulations to the Koranda family on the birth and baptism of their first born, Magdalena Alexandra!

Palm Sunday - 04/02/18

Photos from Divine Liturgy and Deanery Bridegroom Matins on Sunday, April 1, 2018.

Pisanki Class April 1 - 03/19/18

Steve Galayda will be offering a Pisanki decorating tutorial for those interested. RSVP requested!

St. Tikhon's Seminary Mission Choir - 03/19/18

Thank you to the faculty and seminarians for their beautiful singing during services!

2018 Parish Council Installed by Bishop Paul - 03/11/18

Members in good standing were installed in their new positions on the Parish Council by Bishop Paul on March 11, 2018.

Helping the Sick - 02/07/18

St. Tabitha's Circle continues to help cancer patients.

Theophany 2018 - 01/07/18

Blessing of Water - Theophany 2018 at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral.

Soup Kitchen - 12/28/17

Holy Trinity Cathedral will again host a soup kitchen on January 6th from 1pm-2:30pm in the parish hall.  Our thanks to Kanela Breakfast Club for sponsoring the food provided.  Please share this information with those who would benefit from this meal.

Nativity of Our Lord - 12/17/17

Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

Christmas Yolka - 12/17/17

Church School children sang carols during the coffee hour following Divine Liturgy on Sunday, December 17.

Feeding the Hungry through Feed My Starving Children - 12/09/17

On Saturday, December 9, a group of 23 individuals from Holy Trinity Cathedral and SS. Peter and Paul, Burr Ridge, participated in a Feed My Starving Children Mobile Packing event at the Schaumburg Convention Center.

St. Nicholas Day - 12/05/17

Feast of St. Nicholas the Wonder-Worker and Archbishop of Myra and Lycia.

Entrance of the Theotokos - 11/20/17

Vigil Monday, November 20 6:30pm, Divine Liturgy Tuesday, November 21 9:30am.

Feed My Starving Children - 11/05/17

Trinity O Club & friends had such a good time at Feed My Starving Children they're going again!


100th Anniversary of Martyrdom of St. John of Chicago - 11/02/17

Reception of the Hawaiian Iveron Myrhh Streaming Icon of the Theotokos, October 30 & 31, 2017.

100th Anniversary of Martyrdom of St. John of Chicago - 10/30/17

Come and celebrate the 100th anniversary of the martyrdom of St. John in the cathedral he built, along with the 10th anniversary of the finding of the Wonderworking “Hawaiian” Iveron Icon of the Mother of God.

Exaltation of the Cross - 09/14/17

Images from the Divine Liturgy...

Church School Blessing - 09/11/17

Our church school students and teachers were blessed on Sunday, September 10 for the start of the new church school year.  

Prophet Elijah Car Blessing - 07/24/17

On July 20th the Church commemorates the Prophet Elijah. It is tradition to bless cars on this day or the nearest Sunday. On Sunday, July 23rd, after the dismissal, Fr. Alexander blessed all the cars in the parking lot. 

See Cathedral Provides Financial Support to Midwest Parish - 07/10/17

On Sunday, July 9, 2017, a check for $2,000 was presented to His Grace, Bishop PAUL to help a financially struggling or new mission parish within the Midwest Diocese.

Welcome Father Alexander and Matushka Kyriaki! - 06/25/17

The parish welcomed Father Alexander and Matushka Kyriaki Koranda on Sunday, June 25.

Happy 125th Anniversary! - 06/11/17

Photo gallery now available.

Descent of the Holy Spirit - 06/03/17

On the 50th Day after Pascha, the Holy Church celebrates the Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit (Holy Pentecost).

Strawberry Social, May 21 - 05/12/17

The Saints Martha & Mary Sisterhood will host their annual Strawberry Social on Sunday, May 21, 2017.

Funeral Arrangements Announced for +Julia Sobarnia - 04/28/17

Funeral arrangements for Julia Sobarnia announced.

2017 Spring Cleanup - 04/08/17

Thanks to everyone who spent the day today beautifying Holy Trinity Cathedral!

Orthodoxy Sunday - 03/23/17

Sunday of the Ven. Precious Cross - 03/19/17

Before Thy Cross, we bow down in worship, O Master, and Thy Holy Resurrection, we glorify.

Triumph of Orthodoxy - 03/05/17

Each of the Sundays of the Great Fast has its own special theme. In the course of Church history, almost each Lenten Sunday has obtained a second theme, a historical theme. Originally the Lenten fast was the time for catechumens to prepare for baptism and entry into the Church. The theme of the day is victory of the True Faith.

Chicago Deanery Releases Lenten Vesper Schedule - 02/27/17

The Chicago Deanery recently released its schedule of Sunday evening Lenten Vesper Services, all of which will begin at 6:00 p.m.  Brief homilies focusing on the “Psalms of Ascent” chanted at the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts will be offered weekly.  After each service, the faithful are invited to partake of a light lenten supper and fellowship.


2017 Annual Pledge Form - 01/29/17

As our elected parish council members work towards budgeting and planning for the year, we ask that you assist us in completing the annual pledge form and sharing with us where you can lend your talents towards furthering our parish's mission and your intentions for your financial stewardship.

Blini Sunday - 01/26/17

The Trinity O Club invites you to their annual "Blini Sunday" Luncheon on February 26, 2017.

SAVE THE DATE! - 01/16/17

Holy Trinity Cathedral will celebrate its 125th Anniversary the weekend of Saturday, June 10 & Sunday, June 11!

Cookie Walk 2016 - 01/01/17

Thank you to everyone who baked, volunteered and otherwise supported the Cookie Walk on Dec. 17 & 18 from the Saints Martha & Mary Sisterhood!

Annual Cookie Walk - 12/11/16

Too busy to bake?  Homemade holiday cookies, candy, pet treats for sale Saturday, Dec. 17 & Sunday, Dec. 18.

Parish Nativity Cards - 11/20/16

We are getting ready to prepare our parish nativity cards to be mailed in December and need your help!

Start Baking for the Cookie Walk! - 11/18/16

It’s time to start planning and baking for this year’s annual Cookie Walk!

Holy Trinity Receives Replica of Historic Icon - 11/09/16

On November 9, clergy and faithful gathered at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral to witness the presentation of a replica of the Wonderworking Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God by Bishop Mstislav of Tikhvin, Russia.

Presentation of Tikhvin Icon Set for November 9 - 11/07/16

On Wednesday, November 9, 9:00am, His Grace, Bishop PAUL, and His Grace, Bishop MSTISLAV will concelebrate the Akathist to Our Lady of Tikhvin, thus formally receiving this precious gift!

Open House Chicago 2016 - 10/16/16

Thank you to everyone who volunteered their time to welcome all of our Open House guests!

Special Viewing October 9 of "The Return of the Icon" Documentary - 10/04/16

On Sunday, October 9, we will present a special viewing of the documentary, “The Return of the Icon,” which chronicles the return of Our Lady of Tikhvin to Holy Dormition Monastery, Tikhvin, Russia. 

Annual Rummage Sale - 09/26/16

We're only a few days away from the annual Fall Rummage Sale on October 1st & 2nd, 2016!

Bishop Mstislav of Tikhvin to visit Holy Trinity Cathedral for Feast of St. John of Chicago October 29-30 - 09/26/16

His Grace, Bishop Mstislav of Tikhvin, Russia will join His Beatitude, Metropolitan Tikhon and His Grace, Bishop Paul of Chicago, at Holy Trinity Cathedral on October 29-30, 2016 for the celebration of the Feast of Saint John [Kochurov] of Chicago.

Exaltation of the Precious and Life-giving Cross - 09/13/16

Before Thy Cross, We Bow Down And Worship Thee!

Save the Date For Our 50s Diner-Style Luncheon - 08/22/16


Come and join the Diner girls of the bygone era.

Sunday, September 18, 2016


St. Tabitha's Circle - 08/14/16

On August 6, 2016 parishioners of Holy Trinity Cathedral gathered to knit and learn how a new ministry in Chicago is offering practical, emotional and spiritual support for expectant mothers who find themselves alone or without a good, safe home through pregnancy and childbirth.  

St. Tabitha's Circle - 08/02/16

Calling all you ladies (or gents) who make knitting needles or crochet hooks sing! (And if you can't and would like to, come and learn!). The next meeting of the Circle is scheduled for Saturday, August 6, from Noon to 4 pm.

Christ is Risen! - 05/01/16

Indeed He is Risen!

Come Worship With Us! - 04/22/16

Strawberry Social - 04/17/16

The Saints Martha & Mary Sisterhood will host their annual Strawberry Social on Sunday, May 15th.

Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/20/16

The children of our parish walked in procession around the Cathedral holding icons in memory of the final defeat of Iconoclasm and the restoration of the icons to the churches, commemorated annually on the First Sunday of Lent.

Blini Luncheon - 03/18/16

Thank you for supporting the "O" Club's annual Blini luncheon!

Blini Luncheon - 03/08/16

The "O" Club invites you to their annual "Blini Sunday" Luncheon on March 13, 2016.


St. Tabitha Circle - 03/07/16

Calling all ladies who knit or crochet!  Our first meeting will be on the first Saturday during the Great Fast, April 2nd, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, allowing you time to attend the Saturday morning Liturgy or evening Vespers.


Parish Stewardship - 02/14/16

Dr. Tina Richardson and Dennis Garlick of the Holy Trinity Stewardship Committee conducted the second of three workshops focused on Stewardship on January 24, 2016.

Diner Francais - 01/31/16

The Saints Martha and Mary Sisterhood invites you to enjoy a brief wine tasting followed by an elegant French dinner on Sunday, February 21, 2016 at 11:30 a.m. 

Annual Yolka - 01/03/16

Annual Church School Yolka Presentation

2015 Cookie Walk - 12/21/15

Thank you to everyone who baked and donated their time and talents to make this year's Cookie Walk successful!  Thanks to Alvera and Michael Kolosovsky for submitting these photos from the event.

St. Nicholas Day - 12/06/15

We hope everyone enjoyed our St. Nicholas Day crafts and singing!

In Memoriam (Updated) - 11/11/15

The 40th Day Service for Fr. Sergei will be held at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, November 29, 2015.

Liturgical Practicum - 10/03/15

Holy Trinity Cathedral will host a Liturgical Practicum on Saturday, October 10 to give subdeacons an opportunity to learn the major points of serving at a Hierarchical Divine Liturgy.

Estate Sale - 09/28/15

The Saints Martha & Mary Sisterhood will hold their annual Fall Estate Sale on October 10 & 11.

Open House Chicago - 09/27/15

Volunteers are needed for Open House Chicago, Saturday and Sunday, October 17 and 18. 

2015 Arts & Crafts Fair - 09/19/15

Holy Trinity Cathedral will hold its second annual Arts & Crafts Fair on Saturday, September 26, 10am- 3:30pm and Sunday, September 27, noon – 4:30pm.  The event will be held rain or shine in the Cathedral’s parking lot at 1121 N. Leavitt St. in Chicago, accessible via Haddon.

2015 Arts & Crafts Fair Registration Is Closed - 09/09/15

Vendor registration is now closed.  Submit your application for 2016.

Bake Sale for No Kid Hungry - 08/11/15

The Holy Trinity Sunday School & Sts. Martha & Mary Sisterhood want to satisfy your sweet tooth!  Stop by our bake sale and help us end childhood hunger.  There will be treats for people and pets alike!  Saturday, August 29 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM  & Sunday, August 30, 12:00 to 3:00 PM*

Pentecost - 06/01/15

Holy Trinity Cathedral was blessed to celebrate the Great Feast of Pentecost with His Grace, Bishop PAUL.

Strawberry Social - 05/09/15

The Saints Martha & Mary Sisterhood will host their annual Strawberry Social on Sunday, June 7th in the parish hall from 11:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., or until they run out of goodies.

Holy Week & Pascha 2015 - 04/12/15

Christ is Risen!  Indeed He is Risen!

Services for Holy Week & Pascha - 04/06/15

Service times are listed for Holy Week and Pascha...

Entrance of Our Lord Into Jerusalem - 04/05/15

Bishop Paul celebrated Divine Liturgy on Palm Sunday at Holy Trinity.

Entrance of Our Lord into Jerusalem - 04/02/15

Find a list of services here...

2015-2016 Parish Council Installed - 03/02/15

The newly-elected members of Holy Trinity's parish council were installed following the Divine Liturgy on March 1, 2015.

Holy Trinity Commemorates Orthodoxy Sunday - 03/02/15

Holy Trinity's Church School children carried icons in procession around the church in celebration of Orthodoxy Sunday.

Trinity O Club Explores "Heaven and Earth" - 02/01/15

Members and friends of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral's Trinity “O” Club in Chicago, IL enjoyed an afternoon of fellowship and sacred art Sunday, January 25 with a guided tour of the Art Institute of Chicago’s exhibit, “Heaven and Earth: Art of Byzantium.”

Church School Yolka - 01/11/15

On Sunday, January 4, 2015, Holy Trinity's Church School children performed in the annual parish "Yolka," depicting the story of the Annunciation and Nativity of Jesus Christ.

Icons of Liturgy Writers Complete - 12/28/14

Installation of the sanctuary icons of the four liturgy writers is complete!

AXIOS! AXIOS! AXIOS! - 12/28/14

Bishop PAUL was consecrated as the bishop of Chicago and the Midwest over two days, Friday, December 26 and Saturday, December 27, 2014.

Christ is Born! Glorify Him! - 12/25/14

May the blessings of our Lord and Saviour be upon you!  A slideshow of photos from the Divine Liturgy on the feast of our Lord's nativity is available here.

Cookie Walk Raises $1,700 for Building & Restoration - 12/20/14

Thank you to all who baked, helped set up, sell and clean up for this year's Cookie Walk!

DCFS Christmas Gift Project - 11/16/14

Thank you to everyone who signed up to help with the DCFS Christmas Gift Project this year!

Cookie Walk - 11/16/14

Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral will hold its annual Holiday Cookie Walk December 13 & 14 to raise funds in support of the restoration of the 111 year old City of Chicago Landmark.

Dates for consecration, enthronement of Bishop-elect Paul [Gassios] announced - 10/26/14

The consecration and enthronement of Archimandrite Paul [Gassios] as Bishop of Chicago and the Midwest will take place on Friday and Saturday, December 26 and 27, in Chicago.

St. John of Chicago Events - October 30-November 2, 2014 - 10/26/14

Join us for Vigil, Hierarchical Liturgy, pet blessing, presentations on St. John and St. Sebastian, dinner and entertainment from University of Illinois singers, Golosá.

Feast of Apostle and Evangelist Luke - October 18 - 10/18/14

Thank you - 10/17/14

...for supporting the Fall Resale Extravaganza on October 11 & 12, sponsored by the Saints Martha & Mary Sisterhood.

Open House Chicago - 10/13/14

Holy Trinity is one of 150 buildings featured in Open House Chicago, a free, city-wide, behind-the-scenes look at many of the city’s great places and spaces, presented by the Chicago Architecture Foundation on October 18 & 19.

Resale Extravaganza - 10/03/14

St. Martha & Mary Sisterhood's annual Fall Resale is October 11 & 12.

Arts & Crafts Fair, September 27 & 28, 2014 - 09/27/14

Thank you for supporting our inaugural event!

2014 Holy Trinity Cathedral Arts & Crafts Fair - 09/21/14

Holy Trinity Cathedral will hold its first Arts & Crafts Fair on Saturday, September 27, 10am- 3:30pm and Sunday, September 28, 12 pm- 4:30pm.

2014 Holy Trinity Cathedral Arts & Crafts Fair - 09/15/14

Calling all crafters!  Last week to register for our Arts & Crafts Fair!

Church School Blessing - 09/07/14

Thank you to Fr. John and all our families and teachers. We have begun the school year with a blessing! We begin our classroom work September 14.

Now Taking Donations - 09/05/14

The Saints Martha and Mary Sisterhood is now accepting donations of items to sell at its Fall Re-Sale event in October.  Proceeds from the sale of these items will go towards Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral, a City of Chicago Landmark.



Fund Raiser Luncheon - 09/03/14

The St. John Kochurov Society will hold a fundraiser luncheon in the church hall on September 7th immediately after Divine Liturgy.

Thanks for Supporting the Pirate Luncheon - 08/25/14

A delicious luncheon was served on August 24 with a pirate theme by members of the Saints Martha & Mary Sisterhood (continue for slideshow).

Church School Registration - 08/22/14

Registration will be held Sunday, August 31 and September 8 for church school for our youth.

Ahoy Mateys - 08/17/14

Let's be pirates!  Join us for good "pirate" food and drink, games, and fellowship Sunday, August 24th.

Travel Advisory - 06/13/14

A portion of the Kennedy Expressway will be closed this weekend.  Please consider alternate routes to church.

Great Lent - 04/06/14

Read more about Lenten and Paschal services here...

Hand Painted Eggs - 04/06/14

Parishioner Marina Veiler-Orlov has painted wooden eggs for sale in time for Pascha.

Parish Council is Installed - 03/09/14

Members of the parish council were installed on Sunday, March 2, 2014 towards the end of the Divine Liturgy.

Recycle and Help Holy Trinity and the Earth! - 03/05/14

Blini Luncheon - 02/16/14

Holy Trinity's "O" Club will hold their annual Blini Luncheon on Sunday, March 2, 2014 following Divine Liturgy.

Thank You For Supporting the Christmas Stocking Fund! - 02/01/14

Thank you to everyone who donated to the Christmas stocking fund. This year the fund went to assist in purchasing Christmas gifts for St. Innocent orphanage in Mexico.

Annual Parish Meeting - 01/30/14

Theophany of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ - 01/05/14

Please note due to weather conditions, Vigil for January 5 and Divine Liturgy for January 6 have been cancelled.  Blessing of the Waters will take place following the liturgy on January 5th.

Handy Person Needed - 12/29/13

There are many “jobs” in and around the Cathedral (some small, others — not so much) that need a Handy-person to attend them.

Church School Yolka - 12/24/13

Please be sure to stay for fellowship and the Church School's annual Yolka presentation on Sunday, December 29.

2013 Holiday Cookie Walk - 12/23/13

Thank you for supporting this year's Cookie Walk!  All proceeds will go directly to the Cathedral restoration.

Holiday Cookie Walk - 12/08/13

Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral will hold its annual Holiday Cookie Walk December 21st & 22nd to raise funds to support the restoration of the 110 year old City of Chicago Landmark.

Pledges and Assessments - 12/01/13

As you ponder your annual pledge to the parish, we ask that you remember the scriptural teaching that the minimum offering acceptable to the Lord is a tithe (10%) of your blessings. The Fathers of the Church teach us that we have sacrificed nothing until we surpass the tithe, because the first 10%, of our blessings BELONGS TO GOD. If we donate less than 10%, we are using what belongs to God for our own purpose. At our parish, we have asked even less over the years.

Pet Blessing - 10/13/13

Holy Trinity Cathedral will hold its annual Pet Blessing on Saturday, October 26, at 12:00 Noon.

Spaghetti Dinner/Feast of St. John of Chicago - 10/13/13

The St. John Kochurov Society invites you to a Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, October 27, 2013.

Cross Luncheon - 10/06/13

On Sunday, November 10th, there will be a special fundraising luncheon to help pay for the cladding of the two Crosses on the cupolas.

110 Year Old Cupolas Receive Facelift - 09/10/13

On Sunday, September 8th, parishioners of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral were given an up-close look at the newly “Millennium” clad cross intended for mounting on the cupola high atop the Chicago Landmark’s dome at 1121 N. Leavitt Street. 

Travel Advisory-September 7 & 8 - 09/07/13

The Renegade Craft Fair is opening Saturday, 9/7 and will last through Sunday, 9/8. Therefore, Division Street is closed from Paulina to Damen.  Please consider taking Haddon or Thomas Streets.

Rummage Sale - 09/07/13

Come find your treasure!  The Saints Martha and Mary Sisterhood will host their annual Rummage Sale on Saturday, October 5th, from 9:30a-4:00p and Sunday, October 6th, from 12:00p to 5:00p in the church's social hall, at 1121 N. Leavitt Street, Chicago.

Work Begins - 08/25/13

The scaffolding is going up so that workers can begin to clad the cupolas with a stainless steel cladding material that will stand up to the sun’s rays, weather, and pollution for many years to come.

Breakfast at Holy Trinity - 08/11/13

Sts. Mary and Martha Sisterhood will sponsor a breakfast on Sunday, August 18th, immediately following the Divine Liturgy.

Parish Barbeque - 07/14/13

The Parish Council and Friends of Holy Trinity will co-host a Barbeque this Sunday, July 21, following the Divine Liturgy.

Pentecost Dinner - 06/02/13

Be sure to make your reservations for Holy Trinity Cathedral’s annual Patronal Feastday Dinner, Pentecost, June 23.

Paschal Egg Hunt - 05/13/13

It was St. Thomas Sunday and also Mother's Day.  The church school held its annual Paschal Egg Hunt.

Art Exhibit and Sale - 04/27/13

The pre-Easter Art Sale and Exhibit continues this Sunday, April 28th with items from our artist parishioner, Marina Veiler Orlov.  3D art, paintings, gift boxes, easter eggs and more!

Palm Sunday, April 28th after the Divine Liturgy until 1:30pm and after Bridegroom Matins.

Holy Week and Pascha - 04/25/13

Holy Trinity invites all to join us for the services of Holy Week and Pascha!  All services are in English.

2013 Parish Council Installed - 03/31/13

The members of the Parish Council were sworn in on Sunday, March 31, at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy.

Holy Trinity Recalls the Triumph of Orthodoxy - 03/24/13

Congratulations to Yury Orlov, tonsured a Reader on Orthodoxy Sunday, March 24, 2013.  Click more information for pictures of the day, including the procession with icons.

Adult Education Continues - 03/17/13

ADULT EDUCATION at Holy Trinity meets next at 3:15 p.m. on Saturday, April 20 to continue a study of "Meditations on a Theme" by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom.

Fundraiser at Meatheads Restaurant! - 02/20/13

Join us on a fast-free Friday for a fundraiser benefitting Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral!  When you eat at the Meatheads Restaurant in Roscoe Village anytime on Friday, March 1, 2013, Meatheads will donate 10% of the net sales back to Holy Trinity Cathedral.

Blini Luncheon, March 17th 2013 - 02/17/13

Holy Trinity's "O" Club will again hold their annual Blini Luncheon on Sunday, March 17th, 2013 following Divine Liturgy.

Lenten Retreat 2013 - 01/23/13

A Church School Lenten Retreat will be held at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral on Saturday, April 6, 2013.

Adult Education Resumes - 01/20/13

Adult Education has begun a study of Beginning to Pray by the late Metropolitan Anthony Bloom.

2013 Yolka - 01/07/13

The children of Holy Trinity Cathedral's Church school presented their annual Christmas Yolka on Sunday, January 6, 2013 in the parish social hall to the delight of their parish and immediate families.

Theophany 2013 - 01/06/13

View photos from Theophany and the Service of the Blessing of the Water.

Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour - 12/24/12

Feast of St. Nicholas - 12/05/12

Chicago-area Clergy and Faithful Celebrate Feast of St. John of Chicago - 11/10/12

Chicago deanery clergy and faithful celebrated the feast day of St. John [Kochurov] of Chicago with the Divine Liturgy at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral on Wednesday, October 31, 2012.

St. George Cathedral to Hold Pre-Lenten Thanksgiving Dinner - 11/01/12

Our sister parish, St. George Cathedral, will sponsor it's annual Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday, November 11.

Feast of Saint John of Chicago - 10/13/12

Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral will commemorate the feast of Priestmartyr John of Chicago and Tsarskoye Selo with the celebration of the Vigil on Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 7:30 p.m and the Divine Liturgy on Wednesday, October 31, 2012 at 9:30 a.m.  The clergy and members of the parish invite the faithful to attend their annual "St. John's Dinner" on Sunday, October 28th following the Divine Liturgy.

Special Meeting of the Congregation - 09/26/12

Please click on read more below to read a letter from the Cathedral Dean and Parish Council President regarding a special meeting to take place at Holy Trinity on Sunday, September 30, 2012. Please mark your calendars and plan to be in attendance.

Church School Classes Have Begun! - 09/17/12

The Church School year began on September 16th with a blessing at Divine Liturgy.  We are still accepting students.  Please see comments here regarding updates to the church school calendar.

Luau - 08/26/12

On Sunday, August 26th, parishioners and friends of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral were treated to a Hawaiian Luau with delicious food, libations, raffle and entertainment from Chicago's own, Na Nupna Ukalele Club. 

A Series of Classes... - 07/08/12

…on Fr. Alexander Schmemann’s book For the Life of the World: Sacraments and Orthodoxy  a study of the sacraments in the Orthodox Tradition, begins Sunday, July 22 ...

Luau Dinner - 07/01/12

On Sunday, August 26, the Saints Martha and Mary Sisterhood will host a Luau dinner with entertainment at 12:00 p.m. in the church social hall.

Congratulations, Graduates! - 06/24/12

Congratulations to all the middle school, high school and college graduates!  May God Grant You Many Years!

Paraklisis CD Available - 06/10/12

In early summer of 2007, Archbishop JOB (Osacky) undertook a personal project, the musical arrangement of the service of Paraklisis (supplicatory canon to the Most-holy Theotokos) in four-part harmony, employing the Carpatho-Rusyn Sacred Chant (Cerkovnoje Prostopinije).  

Pentecost Photo Gallery - 06/03/12

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! - 04/15/12

Holy Week 2012 - 04/08/12

Photos from Palm Sunday, Deanery Bridegroom Matins and Holy Week.

Welcome Jeremy! - 04/07/12

Welcome to our newest member of Holy Trinity, Jeremy Ard, who was chrismated and received into the Orthodox church on Lazarus Saturday, April 7th, 2012 at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral!

Project Mexico Executive Director Visits Holy Trinity Cathedral - 04/01/12

Geoff Bray, Executive Director of Project Mexico & St. Innocent Orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico, visited Holy Trinity Cathedral on Sunday, April 1 to provide information about this program and areas in which it urgently needs help. 

The Most-Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary - 03/24/12

In the theology and piety of the Orthodox Church, a special place of honor is given to the Mother of God the Most-Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, who is reverenced by the Orthodox as being more honorable than the Cherubim and more glorious, beyond compare, than the Seraphim. As Orthodox we style her as the most exalted among God's creatures; but we do not regard her as some sort of goddess, the 4th Person of the Trinity, as some accuse us; nor do we render her the worship due God alone. Just as with the Holy Icons, the veneration due Mary is expressed in quite different words in the Greek writings of the Fathers than that due God.  (more info)

March 18, 2012 -- Veneration of the Precious Cross - 03/17/12

"Before Thy Cross, we bow down and worship, O Master!"

Parish Council Installed - 03/04/12

The newly elected members of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral's Parish Council were installed during Divine Liturgy on Sunday, March 4, 2012.

Orthodoxy Sunday - 03/04/12

The parish of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral commemorated the Triumph of Orthodoxy on March, 4, 2012, with a procession of children and adults carrying icons around the interior of the cathedral while the choir sang the Troparion for the day.

Lenten Church School Retreat - 02/19/12

Dr. Tina Richardson announces this year's Lenten Retreat for youth ages 3-15 will be held on Saturday, March 10, 2012 at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral, 1121 N. Leavitt Street.  The retreat will be based on the OCA activity book, “Saints of North America.”

Lenten Meals - 02/19/12

Beginning Wednesday, March 7, 2012 we will again gather for lenten meals following the evening Presanctified Liturgies.

Memorial Saturdays - 02/19/12

As the Great Fast approaches, we remind our parishioners to make sure your Remembrance Lists (Hramoty) are up to date.
Please be sure to make a new copy and turn it in at the candle desk for use on the Memorial Saturdays during the Fast.

Trinity "O" Club To Host Annual Blini Luncheon - February 26, 2012 - 02/12/12

Blini, blintz, blinchiki, blins.  There are many ways to say it, but only one day to enjoy them at Holy Trinity "O" Club's annual Blini Luncheon.  The event will be held on Cheesefare Sunday, February 26, 2012 following Divine Liturgy at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral, located at 1121 N. Leavitt Street in Chicago, IL.

Adult Bible Study Begins January 25 at 7PM - 01/22/12

As we prepare for the Great Fast, which is coming sooner than we think, this next Bible Study will study an important book of the Bible read during the liturgical services for the Fast.

Feast of Theophany (Baptism of Our Lord) - 01/06/12

On January 6, 2012, Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL was blessed with a visit from His Grace Bishop Matthias, for the feast of Holy Theophany.  His Grace concelebrated the services with Archpriest John S. Adamcio, Archpriest Sergei Garklavs, Archpriest Oleg Mironowicz, Father Vasile Susan and Deacon Thomas Keith, as witnessed by gathered faithful and guests.  The cathedral choir was directed by Yury Orlov.

Feast of Theophany (Baptism of Our Lord) - 01/05/12

   Join us for the Feast of Theophany!  Bring a container from home so that you can bring home some blessed water to drink or for blessing of your home.  To schedule your home blessing, contact Father John at 773-486-6064.

Join us for the feast of the Nativity! - 12/24/11

Holy Trinity Marks the Falling Asleep of Archbishop JOB - 12/18/11

On Sunday, December 18, 2011, the clergy and parish members of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois, commemorated the second anniversary of the falling asleep of His Grace, Archbishop Job with a panikhida memorial service during the Divine Liturgy.

The leader of the midwest diocese passed away suddenly on December 18, 2009, while attending a meeting with diocesan clergy outside Cleveland, OH.

His memory shall be eternal.  His soul shall dwell with the blessed.

Church School Service Project - 12/04/11

Greetings to church school families!

Save Saturday December 10th for our service project. We will have the kids at various stations so you can join us for as much or as little of the day as you can. We need parents to help the youngest ones with the craft, so plan to stay with your children. We will begin at 9:00am and continue until 2:00pm. Confession service will be just after that following by individual confessions.

Annual Cookie Walk-Save The Date! - 11/07/11

Holy Trinity's annual holiday Cookie Walk will be held on Saturday, December 17th from 9a-4p and Sunday, December 18th, from 12p-4p. 

Bring your friends and neighbors to choose from the best selection around.  Homemade holiday treats will be sold to enjoy at our tables or to take home for the holidays.  Don't forget a few special treats for your favorite dog or as a unique gift for your dog-loving friends!

All proceeds will benefit the restoration of our Chicago Landmark Cathedral, designed by architect, Louis H. Sullivan, and completed in 1903.  Please contact Matushka Melania with any questions at 773-486-6064.

Click here to download a printable flyer.

Annual St. John's Dinner - 10/16/11

Please join us for the annual St. John's dinner honoring St. John Kochurov on Sunday, October 23, following Divine Liturgy in the parish hall.  (Please note Geoff Brey, Exec. Director of Project Mexico and St. Innocent Orphanage, is no longer able to present on this day.)

This year, due to the timing of the All American Council, we will transfer the feast to the date of St. John's glorification from its normal date of October 30, 31, to December 3,4.  Be sure to mark your calendars for our celebration of St. John.

We will hold our annual St. John of Chicago Dinner on Sunday, October 23, enabling us to have a great dinner before we enter Advent.  A tasty dinner is being planned to include:

Beef Barley Soup
Swedish Meatballs with Noodles
Bread with Butter
Wine, Refreshments, Coffee and Tea
Choice of Apple or Pumpkin Pie

Price of the dinner is $15 for adults, $5 for children 7-12, no charge under 7 yrs old.  We will hold a raffle as well.  Please contact Nancy Yurschak as soon as possible at 773-282-3291
if you would like to attend.

Church School Begins! - 09/11/11

Church school students and teachers received a blessing on Sunday, September 11, during Divine Liturgy for the start of the new school year.  The official start of classes will be Sunday, September 18th, following coffee hour.  The parents of our young people are encouraged to register their children in the Church School, thus enabling them to learn about the Holy Orthodox Faith.  Classes are for grades PK-12.  To register, stop by the parish social hall after Divine Liturgy during coffee hour and ask for Dr. Tina.

Building and Restoration Fundraising Dinner and Presentation - 09/04/11

A special fund raising dinner is being held on Sunday, September 18, immediately following the Divine Liturgy to benefit the Building and Restoration Fund.
A delicious menu of roast beef, mashed potatoes, kraut, salad, veggies, and dessert is being planned.  A donation of $20.00 is requested for adults; $5.00 for children.
A special "Angel" has agreed to match the amount, thus doubling the donation to the Restoration Fund. (A Special Thanks to them!)
Each adult donation will receive one ticket for the raffle: prizes include an antique samovar, Russian fairy tale plates, and a basket of cheer. Additional raffle tickets will be available as well.
Following the dinner, a special presentation will be made by Leo Harkins, Chairman of the Restoration and Building Committee, sharing with the congregation the work that has already been completed, and work that is coming in the near future.
We hope as many of you will be able to attend and support this dinner.
Hope to see you there.

Annual Rummage Sale Scheduled for October 8, 9 and 15, 2011 - 09/01/11

The Saints Martha and Mary Sisterhood of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral will hold its annual Rummage Sale featuring bargains galore, on Saturday, October 8, 2011 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Sunday, October 9th from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Saturday, October 15th from 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. 

Previously owned clothing, furniture, toys, electronics, books, household and holiday items will be available for sale with all proceeds benefiting the 108-year old cathedral located in the Ukrainian Village/Wicker Park neighborhood.  The cathedral serves as a religious home for Orthodox Christians living in Chicagoland and surrounding areas.

Admission is free and will take place in the church rectory at 1121 N. Leavitt Street in Chicago.   For more information, call the rectory at 773-486-6064 or visit www.holytrinitycathedral.net.  Come find your treasure!

Building and Restoration Committee Meeting - 08/28/11

There will be a meeting of the Building and Restoration Committee on Wednesday evening, August 31, at 6:30p.
All members of the Building and Restoration Committee are urged to attend.
If you would like to participate in the planning and work of this committee, please contact chairman Leo Harkins, at 773-728-1386 or leo@friendsofholytrinity.org and/or attend this next meeting.

Transfiguration of our Lord - 08/06/11

You were transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, revealing Your glory to Your disciples as far as they could bear it.  Let Your everlasting Light shine upon us sinners, through the prayers of the Theotokos.  O Giver of Light, glory to You!  (Troparion of the Feast)

Trinity's Got Talent! - 08/01/11

Bravo to all the brave souls who entertained Holy Trinity in the parish's annual talent show!  Our thanks to Theoni Richardson for coordinating the event.

Cathedral Continues Restoration Work - 07/31/11

As you can see from the scaffolding, we are having work done in the Cathedral.  The four triangular ceilings have been washed, repaired, and painted, though there is still some stenciling work needed to be finished.  The canvas stencils on both the south and north arches have been cleaned and reattached. The canvas on the north arch was peeling away from the wall, the back covered with mold.

We are receiving bids on painting the bell tower, which we would like to complete as soon as possible.

Visit our photo gallery to see more of the work being done.

Dormition Fast Begins August 1 - 07/31/11

Join us for upcoming services as well as the church school service project on August 13, as we remember the falling asleep of the Mother of God.

Church School Dormition Fast Service Project and Confession - 07/25/11

The Church School will meet at 1:00pm Saturday, August 13th, in the church hall for Dormition Fast activities based on missionary work (maybe some of our missionaries can come!) We should be done by 3:00pm and have a short Confession service in the church for our older children (and parents and teachers) to go to Confession prior to Vigil.
Please email me or call me at 708-445-1105 if your child did not get a chance (4th and 5th grade) to work on "Finding Your Way through the Bible". I will repeat this workshop if you let me know by July 31st. This will likely be done in two sessions after Liturgy on Sundays. Also, if your child is 5-12 yrs old , and you would like to do the vacation church school at Christ the Savior Church let me know by July 31st. 

Christ the Savior parish is hosting a vacation church school this summer on the Feasts of the Church Year (our theme this last year!) For more information see Fr. John for a registration packet:

VCS 2011- Traveling on the Ark of Salvation

Date: August 10-12, 2011

Time: 9am-12pm.

Ages: 0-5, 6-12, older children are welcome to help.

Cost: $10 per child
(Each child will get their own t-shirt and work booklet)

I hope your summer activities have been blessed. Look out on the website or the bulletin for fall activities and registration for the next year!
In Christ,
Tina Richardson

Welcome Home Missionaries! - 07/19/11

We welcome the missionaries from Holy Trinity who traveled with His Grace, Bishop MATTHIAS and other parishes of the Diocese of the Midwest!  We are happy you are home safe and sound.

Stephanie Richardson, Tatiana Fruin, Dennis Garlick, Theoni Richardson, Lisa Rusen, Brad Garlick and Evan Bernick traveled with Project Mexico to help build housing for the local Mexican people and work around St. Innocent's Orphanage.  We thank them for their hard work and ask that God may grant them Many Years!

To view photos of their trip, visit our Photo Gallery.  Many thanks to Tatiana Fruin for sharing these pictures with us!

  (To learn more about Project Mexico and the wonderful work being done at St. Innocent Orphanage, click here.)

Project Mexico - 07/10/11

Holy Trinity Missionaries

This year we have several missionaries from Holy Trinity going abroad:
His Grace, Bishop MATTHIAS, Lisa Rusen, Brad Garlick, Evan Bernick, Tatiana Fruin, Dennis Garlick, Theoni Richardson, and Stephanie Richardson.

These folks will be traveling with Project Mexico to help build housing for the local people, as well as working around the orphanage.

We wish our missionaries a safe trip, a successful mission, and a safe return home. Please keep them in your prayers.

We thank Holy Trinity’s “O” Club for their donation of $100.00 per missionary to help defray costs.

May God grant them Many Years!

(To learn more about the St. Innocent Orphanage and their good work, click here.)

Cathedral Choir CD Available - 07/03/11

The long anticipated CD of Holy Trinity’s Cathedral Choir, under the direction of Deacon Gregory Ealy, is now available for purchase.  Let Our Mouths Be Filled With Thy Praise, O Lord!, is truly a labor of love as well as being some beautiful liturgical music.  

Congratulations to our Graduates! - 06/26/11

Congratulations to all the graduates of our parish!  We're proud of all the students of our church school program that have moved on to the next class level and of course all of the young people that have graduated from law school, college and high school this year.  May God continue to watch over you and may He grant you many years!

Pentecost Dinner, June 12 - 06/08/11

This year, our annual Patronal Feast dinner will be held on the Sunday of Pentecost, at St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital cafeteria immediately following the Vespers with Kneeling Prayers.

Tickets for the dinner will be $25.00 for adults, $5.00 for children under 12, and are available either from Joan Stroner or Ana Kuznetsova.

Make your reservations early!

PS-If anyone would like to donate wine for the dinner, please contact Joan Stroner at your earliest convenience.

Join Us For the Feast of Pentecost! - 06/06/11

Saturday, June 11
    4:30p  Vigil    
                    Readings:  Numbers  11:16-17,24-29
                                      Joel          2:23-32
                                      Ezekiel     36:24-28
                                      John         20:19-23

Sunday, June 12, Holy Pentecost - Tone 7
    9:10a  Hours
    9:30a  Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom and Vespers with Kneeling Prayers
                    Epistle:    Acts           2:1-11
                    Gospel:    John          7:37-52; 8:12

Ascension of the Lord - 06/02/11

 Tone 4 Troparion
You ascended in glory, O Christ our God,
granting joy to Your Disciples by the promise of the Holy Spirit.
Through the blessing, they were assured
that You are the Son of God,//
the Redeemer of the world.

Tone 6 Kontakion
When You had fulfilled the dispensation for our sake,
and united earth to heaven:
You ascended in glory, O Christ our God,
not being parted from those who love You,
but remaining with them and crying://
“I am with you, and there is no one against you!”

Annual Strawberry Social, June 5 - 05/06/11

The Saints Martha & Mary Sisterhood will host their annual Strawberry Social on Sunday, June 5th from 11:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M., or until they run out of goodies. 

Russian Choral Concert, Friday, June 3 - 05/06/11

On Friday, June 3, Holy Trinity welcomes LYRA, Russian Vocal Ensemble of St. Petersburg, to perform a concert of sacred and secular musical selections.

Holy Trinity will mark one of the stops on this national touring group's itinerary.  This is a unique opportunity for those in the Chicago area to hear this professional musical group give a quality performance of Russian sacred and secular music.

The sacred music portion will begin at 7:30 P.M. in the Cathedral, located at 1121 N. Leavitt St.  The folk music portion will take place in the social hall next to the Cathedral following a brief intermission.

A donation of $20 is suggested per person.  Free parking is available in the lot directly behind the church and is accessible via Haddon.

For more information, please contact Justin Kneeland at 847-630-1091.  We look forward to seeing you there!  Download flyer here.

Photos from Installation of Bishop MATTHIAS - 05/01/11


Holy Trinity's Mission...

To be the Beacon of Orthodoxy in Chicago!

Tours Available

Learn more about how to schedule a tour of this Chicago Landmark...

Photos Wanted!

Took a few photos of Holy Trinity Cathedral while visiting?  We are always looking for photos for inclusion on our website.

100th Anniversary of Martyrdom of St. John of Chicago

At the invitation of His Grace, Bishop PAUL, the faithful of Chicago are invited to celebrate the feast of St. John Kochurov, who labored in Chicago. This October marks the 100th year of St. John’s martyrdom, which took place in Tsarskoe Selo, Russia.

Transfiguration/Blessing of Fruit

August 6, 2017

Choir Director Wanted

Holy Trinity Cathedral is looking for a part-time choir director. Candidates must be proficient in singing/conducting Vigil, as well as hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Compensation commensurate with education and/or experience. Interested people should contact:

Archpriest John S. Adamcio
Phone:  773.486.6064
Email:  troika51@comcast.net

1121 North Leavitt Street, Chicago, Illinois  60622, 773-486-6064



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