Trinity "O" Club will host their annual Blini Luncheon fundraiser on Sunday, March 1, following Divine Liturgy. Tickets are $10 Adults, $5 Children and are available at the event. Meal includes blini, fruit salad, dessert, coffee and tea. Cost $10.00 per adult $5.00 per child. Tickets may be purchased on the day of the event.
Three beneficiaries will receive funding through this event; Holy Trinity Cathedral restoration and two charities tied to St. Herman being supported in 2020 by the Fellowship of Orthodox Christians in America (FOCA). FOCA is a national fellowship and service organization of the Orthodox Church in America.
This year, Holy Trinity's Building & Restoration Committee will be working on completing exterior work on both the Cathedral and parish hall. A summary of these improvements were outlined at the annual parish meeting on February 9.
St. Herman House-FOCUS Cleveland, is an Orthodox Christian house of hospitality serving the homeless and poor of Cleveland, OH and the surrounding area. They have an emergency shelter for 28 men and a transitional home that accommodates 12 men. In addition, they are the only facility in Northeast Ohio that serves three meals a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year to anyone in need. In 2018, they served 75,997 meals, which is an average of 208 people fed every day. They have a current need of approximately $5,000 towards the replacement of a vertical platform lift that would serve disabled persons.
FOCA is also supporting the Diocese of Alaska this year, specifically, helping with their pilgrimages to Spruce Island to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Glorification of St. Herman of Alaska. Several of the Dioceses of the OCA are planning trips to Alaska and these funds will be used to help defray some of the costs associated with travel. Please support this event so that Trinity "O" Club may aide these worthy charities.
Any questions, please contact:
Sue Miller isaa24@aol.com
Lori Garlick garlick61@gmail.com
Larisa Fetterly larisa.fetterly@gmail.com