On July 19, 2018, 24 crocheted hats, 2 lapghans, and 1 shawl handmade by members of Holy Trinity Cathedral's St. Tabitha's Circle, were delivered to the Marjorie Weinberg Cancer center at Gottlieb Hospital in Melrose Park, IL.
St. Tabitha, the widow raised from the dead by the Apostle Peter, is known as the patron saint for seamstresses and those who make garments. A group of women inspired by this saint began meeting in the Spring of 2016 as a Lenten discipline to gather together to knit or crochet squares to be assembled into afghans to be donated to the needy, recovering, or convalescing. They have been meeting monthly to create items ever since. Read more about St. Tabitha on the OCA website.
Holy Trinity parishioner, Alvera Kolosovsky, said that the staff at the hospital were so happy and very appreciative. "Kim, one of the nurses, said our donations bring smiles to the patients' faces and they love and use everything we bring." She reported that hats, lapghans, shawls and slippers would all be very much appreciated any time.
If you are interested in making some crocheted or knitted items for those in need, please contact either Matushka Joanna Keith or Arlene Tilghman. St. Tabitha's Circle members meet the first Sunday of every month during coffee hour to hand-make these items. Beginners are welcome!
Kim, a nurse at M. Wienberg Cancer Center thanks Alvera K. |
Hats made for cancer patients... |
...more hats! |