Building & Restoration Presentation and Fundraising Dinner
Sunday, September 18, 2011
Thank you to all who came! Over $10,000 was raised to help fund much needed work in the cathedral.
Attendees enjoyed a roast beef dinner with dessert. Raffle items included Russian fairy tale plates, a basket of cheer, a Troika and an antique Russian samovar. Congratulations to the winners!
Attendees enjoyed a roast beef dinner with dessert. Raffle items included Russian fairy tale plates, a basket of cheer, a Troika and an antique Russian samovar. Congratulations to the winners!
Trinity's Got Talent!
Annual Parish Talent Show - 07/31/11
Bravo to all the brave souls who got up and showcased their talent! Our thanks goes to Theoni Richardson for coordinating the day's event.
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Welcome Home Missionaries!
Welcome Home Missionaries! - 07/19/11
We welcome the missionaries from Holy Trinity who traveled with His Grace, Bishop MATTHIAS and other parishes of the Diocese of the Midwest! We are happy you are home safe and sound.Stephanie Richardson, Tatiana Fruin, Dennis Garlick, Theoni Richardson, Lisa Rusen, Brad Garlick and Evan Bernick traveled with Project Mexico to help build housing for the local Mexican people and work around St. Innocent's Orphanage. We thank them for their hard work and ask that God may grant them Many Years!
Many thanks to Tatiana Fruin for sharing these pictures with us!
(To learn more about the St. Innocent Orphanage and their good work, click here.)
11/11/11 ed. - Click here to watch a video about the Midwest Diocese's experience this summer!
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Cathedral Continues Renovation Work
Renovations Continue - 07/15/11
Thank you for continuing to support the much needed renovations and repairs to our beautiful cathedral building! The interior continues to benefit from work on the canvas above the north and south facing windows.(8 images)
Congratulations 2011 Graduates!

Do Division 2011
June 4-5, 2011
Thanks to all the parishioners who helped solicit donations for parking during the annual Do Division street festival. We appreciate your time and cheerful attitude! And to all those who utilized the parking lot during the event, we thank you for your donations! Monies raised were deposited in the Cathedral's general operating fund.
Congratulations to Fr. Gregory and Pani Pelagia!
May 1, 2011
Congratulations to Fr. Gregory Ealy on his ordination to Deacon during the Installation service of Bishop MATTHIAS on Sunday, May 1st. We wish the best of luck to Fr. Deacon Gregory and Pani Pelagia. God Grant You Many Years!
Photos from Installation of Bishop MATTHIAS
Palm Sunday, April 17, 2011
Sunday of Orthodoxy, 2011
Installation of Parish Council