There are many “jobs” in and around the Cathedral (some small, others — not so much) that need a Handy-person to attend them.
Please be sure to stay for fellowship and the Church School's annual Yolka presentation on Sunday, December 29.
Thank you for supporting this year's Cookie Walk! All proceeds will go directly to the Cathedral restoration.
Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral will hold its annual Holiday Cookie Walk December 21st & 22nd to raise funds to support the restoration of the 110 year old City of Chicago Landmark.
As you ponder your annual pledge to the parish, we ask that you remember the scriptural teaching that the minimum offering acceptable to the Lord is a tithe (10%) of your blessings. The Fathers of the Church teach us that we have sacrificed nothing until we surpass the tithe, because the first 10%, of our blessings BELONGS TO GOD. If we donate less than 10%, we are using what belongs to God for our own purpose. At our parish, we have asked even less over the years.
Holy Trinity Cathedral will hold its annual Pet Blessing on Saturday, October 26, at 12:00 Noon.
The St. John Kochurov Society invites you to a Spaghetti Dinner on Sunday, October 27, 2013.
On Sunday, November 10th, there will be a special fundraising luncheon to help pay for the cladding of the two Crosses on the cupolas.
On Sunday, September 8th, parishioners of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral were given an up-close look at the newly “Millennium” clad cross intended for mounting on the cupola high atop the Chicago Landmark’s dome at 1121 N. Leavitt Street.
The Renegade Craft Fair is opening Saturday, 9/7 and will last through Sunday, 9/8. Therefore, Division Street is closed from Paulina to Damen. Please consider taking Haddon or Thomas Streets.
Come find your treasure! The Saints Martha and Mary Sisterhood will host their annual Rummage Sale on Saturday, October 5th, from 9:30a-4:00p and Sunday, October 6th, from 12:00p to 5:00p in the church's social hall, at 1121 N. Leavitt Street, Chicago.
The scaffolding is going up so that workers can begin to clad the cupolas with a stainless steel cladding material that will stand up to the sun’s rays, weather, and pollution for many years to come.
Sts. Mary and Martha Sisterhood will sponsor a breakfast on Sunday, August 18th, immediately following the Divine Liturgy.
The Parish Council and Friends of Holy Trinity will co-host a Barbeque this Sunday, July 21, following the Divine Liturgy.
It was St. Thomas Sunday and also Mother's Day. The church school held its annual Paschal Egg Hunt.
The pre-Easter Art Sale and Exhibit continues this Sunday, April 28th with items from our artist parishioner, Marina Veiler Orlov. 3D art, paintings, gift boxes, easter eggs and more!
Palm Sunday, April 28th after the Divine Liturgy until 1:30pm and after Bridegroom Matins.
Holy Trinity invites all to join us for the services of Holy Week and Pascha! All services are in English.
The members of the Parish Council were sworn in on Sunday, March 31, at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy.
Congratulations to Yury Orlov, tonsured a Reader on Orthodoxy Sunday, March 24, 2013. Click more information for pictures of the day, including the procession with icons.
ADULT EDUCATION at Holy Trinity meets next at 3:15 p.m. on Saturday, April 20 to continue a study of "Meditations on a Theme" by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom.
Join us on a fast-free Friday for a fundraiser benefitting Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral! When you eat at the Meatheads Restaurant in Roscoe Village anytime on Friday, March 1, 2013, Meatheads will donate 10% of the net sales back to Holy Trinity Cathedral.
Holy Trinity's "O" Club will again hold their annual Blini Luncheon on Sunday, March 17th, 2013 following Divine Liturgy.
A Church School Lenten Retreat will be held at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral on Saturday, April 6, 2013.
Adult Education has begun a study of Beginning to Pray by the late Metropolitan Anthony Bloom.
The children of Holy Trinity Cathedral's Church school presented their annual Christmas Yolka on Sunday, January 6, 2013 in the parish social hall to the delight of their parish and immediate families.
View photos from Theophany and the Service of the Blessing of the Water.
Holy Week and Pascha - 05/05/13
View our slideshow from our services during Holy Week and Pascha.
(18 images)