Category: Announcements
64 results found.
St. John of Chicago Remembered by His Spiritual Children Over 118 Years Later - 11/03/21

The faithful of the greater Chicago metropolitan area came together on the Saturday, October 30 and Sunday, October 31, to celebrate the Hieromartyr John, at the very location that he built and labored for Christ. [link to Midwest Diocese website,].

Blessing of the Newly Restored Diocesan Cathedral - 10/25/21

Following the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, October 24, His Eminence Archbishop Paul read a prayer asking God to bless the newly restored cathedral and led a procession around the property with the faithful blessing the newly restored Cathedral and Rectory.  Read more on the diocesan website...

Diocesan Cathedral Seeks Choir Director - 10/15/21

Holy Trinity Cathedral is seeking the services of a choir director.

Annual Conference to Feature Historic Cathedral - 09/20/21

Holy Trinity Cathedral will be a featured site in the 23rd Annual Conference on the Arts & Crafts Movement Chicago & Environs.  The conference, organized by Initiatives in Art and Culture and held September 23-26, will consider how Chicago’s architects, artists and artisans developed a design vocabulary specific to the region.  This article from Luxury Daily explains more.

Restoration Nears Completion - 08/09/21

Your help is needed to bring our restoration project to a close.

Restoration Needs Your Support - 07/12/21

Restoration Continues - 06/17/21

Metal work is almost complete and stucco is being repaired.

BIG news - Active Work Zone at HTC - 05/14/21

May update...Samples of stucco were taken from both buildings, paint is being produced, metal work around the cathedral is being restored!

Restoration News - 03/26/21

Contracts Signed! First Payments Sent!

Founder's Day 2020 - 06/07/20

On June 7th, 2020, Holy Trinity Cathedral celebrated its 128-year anniversary of its founding as the oldest Orthodox community in Chicago. Please help us preserve history while securing the future.  

DCFS Christmas Gift Program - 11/18/19

Thank you to all who signed up to help provide a gift for the DCFS Christmas gift program!  Please read for information on due date and packaging.

New Catechumens - 01/14/19

Please welcome our newest Catechumens!

Sewing Lessons - 10/06/18

All children are invited to participate in Beginners Sewing Class.

The class will cover basic sewing skills including: selection of materials, cutting, use of patterns, pinning, hand stitching and working up to sewing with machine.

Class will start after Sunday School Class.

Church School Project - 06/27/18

Our Sunday School children are collecting donations through August 12 to fill 24 backpacks for needy students in Chicago.

2018 Parish Council Installed by Bishop Paul - 03/11/18

Members in good standing were installed in their new positions on the Parish Council by Bishop Paul on March 11, 2018.

See Cathedral Provides Financial Support to Midwest Parish - 07/10/17

On Sunday, July 9, 2017, a check for $2,000 was presented to His Grace, Bishop PAUL to help a financially struggling or new mission parish within the Midwest Diocese.

Welcome Father Alexander and Matushka Kyriaki! - 06/25/17

The parish welcomed Father Alexander and Matushka Kyriaki Koranda on Sunday, June 25.

Funeral Arrangements Announced for +Julia Sobarnia - 04/28/17

Funeral arrangements for Julia Sobarnia announced.

2017 Annual Pledge Form - 01/29/17

As our elected parish council members work towards budgeting and planning for the year, we ask that you assist us in completing the annual pledge form and sharing with us where you can lend your talents towards furthering our parish's mission and your intentions for your financial stewardship.

SAVE THE DATE! - 01/16/17

Holy Trinity Cathedral will celebrate its 125th Anniversary the weekend of Saturday, June 10 & Sunday, June 11!

Parish Nativity Cards - 11/20/16

We are getting ready to prepare our parish nativity cards to be mailed in December and need your help!

Christ is Risen! - 05/01/16

Indeed He is Risen!

Parish Stewardship - 02/14/16

Dr. Tina Richardson and Dennis Garlick of the Holy Trinity Stewardship Committee conducted the second of three workshops focused on Stewardship on January 24, 2016.

2015 Arts & Crafts Fair Registration Is Closed - 09/09/15

Vendor registration is now closed.  Submit your application for 2016.

Pentecost - 06/01/15

Holy Trinity Cathedral was blessed to celebrate the Great Feast of Pentecost with His Grace, Bishop PAUL.

2015-2016 Parish Council Installed - 03/02/15

The newly-elected members of Holy Trinity's parish council were installed following the Divine Liturgy on March 1, 2015.

Trinity O Club Explores "Heaven and Earth" - 02/01/15

Members and friends of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral's Trinity “O” Club in Chicago, IL enjoyed an afternoon of fellowship and sacred art Sunday, January 25 with a guided tour of the Art Institute of Chicago’s exhibit, “Heaven and Earth: Art of Byzantium.”

Icons of Liturgy Writers Complete - 12/28/14

Installation of the sanctuary icons of the four liturgy writers is complete!

Christ is Born! Glorify Him! - 12/25/14

May the blessings of our Lord and Saviour be upon you!  A slideshow of photos from the Divine Liturgy on the feast of our Lord's nativity is available here.

Cookie Walk Raises $1,700 for Building & Restoration - 12/20/14

Thank you to all who baked, helped set up, sell and clean up for this year's Cookie Walk!

DCFS Christmas Gift Project - 11/16/14

Thank you to everyone who signed up to help with the DCFS Christmas Gift Project this year!

Now Taking Donations - 09/05/14

The Saints Martha and Mary Sisterhood is now accepting donations of items to sell at its Fall Re-Sale event in October.  Proceeds from the sale of these items will go towards Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral, a City of Chicago Landmark.



Travel Advisory - 06/13/14

A portion of the Kennedy Expressway will be closed this weekend.  Please consider alternate routes to church.

Great Lent - 04/06/14

Read more about Lenten and Paschal services here...

Parish Council is Installed - 03/09/14

Members of the parish council were installed on Sunday, March 2, 2014 towards the end of the Divine Liturgy.

Recycle and Help Holy Trinity and the Earth! - 03/05/14

Thank You For Supporting the Christmas Stocking Fund! - 02/01/14

Thank you to everyone who donated to the Christmas stocking fund. This year the fund went to assist in purchasing Christmas gifts for St. Innocent orphanage in Mexico.

Theophany of Our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ - 01/05/14

Please note due to weather conditions, Vigil for January 5 and Divine Liturgy for January 6 have been cancelled.  Blessing of the Waters will take place following the liturgy on January 5th.

Pledges and Assessments - 12/01/13

As you ponder your annual pledge to the parish, we ask that you remember the scriptural teaching that the minimum offering acceptable to the Lord is a tithe (10%) of your blessings. The Fathers of the Church teach us that we have sacrificed nothing until we surpass the tithe, because the first 10%, of our blessings BELONGS TO GOD. If we donate less than 10%, we are using what belongs to God for our own purpose. At our parish, we have asked even less over the years.

110 Year Old Cupolas Receive Facelift - 09/10/13

On Sunday, September 8th, parishioners of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral were given an up-close look at the newly “Millennium” clad cross intended for mounting on the cupola high atop the Chicago Landmark’s dome at 1121 N. Leavitt Street. 

Travel Advisory-September 7 & 8 - 09/07/13

The Renegade Craft Fair is opening Saturday, 9/7 and will last through Sunday, 9/8. Therefore, Division Street is closed from Paulina to Damen.  Please consider taking Haddon or Thomas Streets.

Work Begins - 08/25/13

The scaffolding is going up so that workers can begin to clad the cupolas with a stainless steel cladding material that will stand up to the sun’s rays, weather, and pollution for many years to come.

2013 Parish Council Installed - 03/31/13

The members of the Parish Council were sworn in on Sunday, March 31, at the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy.

Holy Trinity Recalls the Triumph of Orthodoxy - 03/24/13

Congratulations to Yury Orlov, tonsured a Reader on Orthodoxy Sunday, March 24, 2013.  Click more information for pictures of the day, including the procession with icons.

Adult Education Continues - 03/17/13

ADULT EDUCATION at Holy Trinity meets next at 3:15 p.m. on Saturday, April 20 to continue a study of "Meditations on a Theme" by Metropolitan Anthony Bloom.

Adult Education Resumes - 01/20/13

Adult Education has begun a study of Beginning to Pray by the late Metropolitan Anthony Bloom.

Nativity of Our Lord and Saviour - 12/24/12

Chicago-area Clergy and Faithful Celebrate Feast of St. John of Chicago - 11/10/12

Chicago deanery clergy and faithful celebrated the feast day of St. John [Kochurov] of Chicago with the Divine Liturgy at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral on Wednesday, October 31, 2012.

Special Meeting of the Congregation - 09/26/12

Please click on read more below to read a letter from the Cathedral Dean and Parish Council President regarding a special meeting to take place at Holy Trinity on Sunday, September 30, 2012. Please mark your calendars and plan to be in attendance.

Church School Classes Have Begun! - 09/17/12

The Church School year began on September 16th with a blessing at Divine Liturgy.  We are still accepting students.  Please see comments here regarding updates to the church school calendar.

Luau - 08/26/12

On Sunday, August 26th, parishioners and friends of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral were treated to a Hawaiian Luau with delicious food, libations, raffle and entertainment from Chicago's own, Na Nupna Ukalele Club. 

Paraklisis CD Available - 06/10/12

In early summer of 2007, Archbishop JOB (Osacky) undertook a personal project, the musical arrangement of the service of Paraklisis (supplicatory canon to the Most-holy Theotokos) in four-part harmony, employing the Carpatho-Rusyn Sacred Chant (Cerkovnoje Prostopinije).  

Welcome Jeremy! - 04/07/12

Welcome to our newest member of Holy Trinity, Jeremy Ard, who was chrismated and received into the Orthodox church on Lazarus Saturday, April 7th, 2012 at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral!

The Most-Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary - 03/24/12

In the theology and piety of the Orthodox Church, a special place of honor is given to the Mother of God the Most-Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, who is reverenced by the Orthodox as being more honorable than the Cherubim and more glorious, beyond compare, than the Seraphim. As Orthodox we style her as the most exalted among God's creatures; but we do not regard her as some sort of goddess, the 4th Person of the Trinity, as some accuse us; nor do we render her the worship due God alone. Just as with the Holy Icons, the veneration due Mary is expressed in quite different words in the Greek writings of the Fathers than that due God.  (more info)

Parish Council Installed - 03/04/12

The newly elected members of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral's Parish Council were installed during Divine Liturgy on Sunday, March 4, 2012.

Holy Trinity Marks the Falling Asleep of Archbishop JOB - 12/18/11

On Sunday, December 18, 2011, the clergy and parish members of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois, commemorated the second anniversary of the falling asleep of His Grace, Archbishop Job with a panikhida memorial service during the Divine Liturgy.

The leader of the midwest diocese passed away suddenly on December 18, 2009, while attending a meeting with diocesan clergy outside Cleveland, OH.

His memory shall be eternal.  His soul shall dwell with the blessed.

Transfiguration of our Lord - 08/06/11

You were transfigured on the mountain, O Christ God, revealing Your glory to Your disciples as far as they could bear it.  Let Your everlasting Light shine upon us sinners, through the prayers of the Theotokos.  O Giver of Light, glory to You!  (Troparion of the Feast)

Project Mexico - 07/10/11

Holy Trinity Missionaries

This year we have several missionaries from Holy Trinity going abroad:
His Grace, Bishop MATTHIAS, Lisa Rusen, Brad Garlick, Evan Bernick, Tatiana Fruin, Dennis Garlick, Theoni Richardson, and Stephanie Richardson.

These folks will be traveling with Project Mexico to help build housing for the local people, as well as working around the orphanage.

We wish our missionaries a safe trip, a successful mission, and a safe return home. Please keep them in your prayers.

We thank Holy Trinity’s “O” Club for their donation of $100.00 per missionary to help defray costs.

May God grant them Many Years!

(To learn more about the St. Innocent Orphanage and their good work, click here.)

Cathedral Choir CD Available - 07/03/11

The long anticipated CD of Holy Trinity’s Cathedral Choir, under the direction of Deacon Gregory Ealy, is now available for purchase.  Let Our Mouths Be Filled With Thy Praise, O Lord!, is truly a labor of love as well as being some beautiful liturgical music.  

Congratulations to our Graduates! - 06/26/11

Congratulations to all the graduates of our parish!  We're proud of all the students of our church school program that have moved on to the next class level and of course all of the young people that have graduated from law school, college and high school this year.  May God continue to watch over you and may He grant you many years!

Pentecost Dinner, June 12 - 06/08/11

This year, our annual Patronal Feast dinner will be held on the Sunday of Pentecost, at St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital cafeteria immediately following the Vespers with Kneeling Prayers.

Tickets for the dinner will be $25.00 for adults, $5.00 for children under 12, and are available either from Joan Stroner or Ana Kuznetsova.

Make your reservations early!

PS-If anyone would like to donate wine for the dinner, please contact Joan Stroner at your earliest convenience.

Tours Available

Learn more about how to schedule a tour of this Chicago Landmark...

Photos Wanted!

Took a few photos of Holy Trinity Cathedral while visiting?  We are always looking for photos for inclusion on our website.

Choir Director Wanted

Holy Trinity Cathedral is looking for a part-time choir director. Candidates must be proficient in singing/conducting Vigil, as well as hierarchical Divine Liturgy. Compensation commensurate with education and/or experience. Interested people should contact:

Archpriest John S. Adamcio
Phone:  773.486.6064

1121 North Leavitt Street, Chicago, Illinois  60622, 773-486-6064



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