Calling all ladies who knit or crochet: We are planning to begin a ladies circle where we gather together to knit or crochet squares to be assembled into afghans that will be donated to the needy, recovering, or convalescing.
Our first meeting will be on the first Saturday during the Great Fast, April 2nd, from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, allowing you time to attend the Saturday morning Liturgy or evening Vespers. Bring your knitting needles, crochet hooks, yarn and any patterns you'd like to share. Any Lenten snacks you'd like to bring will be welcomed. Coffee and Tea will be available.
St. Tabitha, the widow raised from the dead by the Apostle Peter, is known as the patron saint for seamstresses and those who make garments. Read more about St. Tabitha on the OCA website.
We, like St. Tabitha, will create with our hands that which will be helpful to those in need. This will be a rewarding Lenten discipline and perhaps birth an on-going ministry.
If you don't crochet or knit but would like to learn, please join us.
For more information contact:
Matushka Joanna Keith:; or Arlene Tilghman: