Our sister parish, St. George Cathedral, will sponsor it's annual Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday, November 11.
Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral will commemorate the feast of Priestmartyr John of Chicago and Tsarskoye
Selo with the celebration of the Vigil on Tuesday, October 30, 2012 at 7:30 p.m and the Divine Liturgy on Wednesday, October 31, 2012 at 9:30 a.m. The clergy and members of the parish invite the faithful to attend their annual "St. John's Dinner" on Sunday, October 28th following the Divine Liturgy.
…on Fr. Alexander Schmemann’s book For the Life of the World: Sacraments and Orthodoxy a study of the sacraments in the Orthodox Tradition, begins Sunday, July 22 ...
On Sunday, August 26, the Saints Martha and Mary Sisterhood will host a Luau dinner with entertainment at 12:00 p.m. in the church social hall.
Congratulations to all the middle school, high school and college graduates! May God Grant You Many Years!
Photos from Palm Sunday, Deanery Bridegroom Matins and Holy Week.
Geoff Bray, Executive Director of Project Mexico & St. Innocent Orphanage in Tijuana, Mexico, visited Holy Trinity Cathedral on Sunday, April 1 to provide information about this program and areas in which it urgently needs help.
"Before Thy Cross, we bow down and worship, O Master!"
The parish of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral commemorated the Triumph of Orthodoxy on March, 4, 2012, with a procession of children and adults carrying icons around the interior of the cathedral while the choir sang the Troparion for the day.
Dr. Tina Richardson announces this year's Lenten Retreat for youth ages 3-15 will be held on Saturday, March 10, 2012 at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral, 1121 N. Leavitt Street. The retreat will be based on the OCA activity book, “Saints of North America.”
Beginning Wednesday, March 7, 2012 we will again gather for lenten meals following the evening Presanctified Liturgies.
As the Great Fast approaches, we remind our parishioners to make sure your Remembrance Lists (Hramoty) are up to date.
Please be sure to make a new copy and turn it in at the candle desk for use on the Memorial Saturdays during the Fast.
Blini, blintz, blinchiki, blins. There are many ways to say it, but only one day to enjoy them at Holy Trinity "O" Club's annual Blini Luncheon. The event will be held on Cheesefare Sunday, February 26, 2012 following Divine Liturgy at Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral, located at 1121 N. Leavitt Street in Chicago, IL.
As we prepare for the Great Fast, which is coming sooner than we think,
this next Bible Study will study an important book of the Bible read
during the liturgical services for the Fast.
On January 6, 2012, Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, IL was blessed with a visit from His Grace Bishop Matthias, for the feast of Holy Theophany. His Grace concelebrated the services with Archpriest John S. Adamcio, Archpriest Sergei Garklavs, Archpriest Oleg Mironowicz, Father Vasile Susan and Deacon Thomas Keith, as witnessed by gathered faithful and guests. The cathedral choir was directed by Yury Orlov.
Join us for the Feast of Theophany! Bring a container from home so that you can bring home some blessed water to drink or for blessing of your home. To schedule your home blessing, contact Father John at 773-486-6064.
Learn more about how to schedule a tour of this Chicago Landmark...
Took a few photos of Holy Trinity Cathedral while visiting? We are always looking for photos for inclusion on our website.