2012 Parish Council Installed
CHICAGO, IL [Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral] -- With the blessing of His Grace, Bishop MATTHIAS, the newly elected members of Holy Trinity Orthodox Cathedral's 2012 Parish Council were installed during Divine Liturgy on Sunday, March 4, 2012. We congratulate the following on their election and installation into office:
May our Lord Jesus Christ bless and strengthen you in His service.
President Joseph Mamczij
Vice President Willliam Fetterly
Secretary Nancy Yurschak
Treasurer Justin Kneeland
Financial Secretary Anna Kuznetsova
Trustees: Ken Vangeloff
Joan Stroner
Amanda O’Leary
Susan Miller
Athanasia Lardin
Dennis Pelak
Jeremiah Durham
Vice President Willliam Fetterly
Secretary Nancy Yurschak
Treasurer Justin Kneeland
Financial Secretary Anna Kuznetsova
Trustees: Ken Vangeloff
Joan Stroner
Amanda O’Leary
Susan Miller
Athanasia Lardin
Dennis Pelak
Jeremiah Durham
May our Lord Jesus Christ bless and strengthen you in His service.
May God grant you Many Years!